Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Giving Gifts

    I just celebrated my birthday recently. My children had set up a small party for me. I saw the joy in each of their faces as we went along the evening. The excitement of the gifts is always a great thing.. It is fun to pull off the ribbons or bows. Not to mention the ripping of the paper. And the joy of the gift once it is opened. But my most enjoyable thing is to watch the glow and light on my children's faces as I open a home made gift. The pride and the joy on each of their faces is the best gift ever to me. I love home made gifts. It is a gift from the heart and it was made from the heart. The thought that they have taken the time to sit and think about that gift. They have taken the time to make it. They loved me so much. They took the time, to help me feel special on my special day. It may not always look like what it should be. However it is made by them and it is the most treasured gift in the world to me. That expression of a young child giving a gift that they have made themselves. Is a gift in itself.
    In Paul's day the Christians living in Jerusalem were very poor and needed help. Paul worked very hard to collect money for the Christians living in other places. He talks about how some give very generously, not because they had to but because they wanted to. They were not rich people. But they did give. They even gave some more. They did it because they had learned the joy of giving and helping others.
2Corinthians 8: 1- 4
    It is important that we remember that joy of giving. It is also important to thank God for the many blessings. Both great and small. We need the love for others. We need to ask God to fill us over flowing for love of others and their needs. Maybe you don't have a lot of money. But your time is a very important way to offer a gift. Just like that gift that the little child gives their parent. It seems like such a small thing. However giving it to someone is the greatest joy ever.