Monday, April 6, 2015


With the Easter season upon us I was thinking about what the cross means to me. For some people it is a crucifix. The cross is a reminder that Jesus died on the cross for us. For others it is a symbol that reminds them that Jesus rose again and is no longer there. When I think of the cross it makes me think of Jesus’ strength and power to overcome anything. The bible tells us to take up our cross and follow after him.

The cross is where we lay our sins and sorrows. It is where we lay our burdens and problems. When we lay these things at the cross, we can receive God’s healing power and perfect peace. The joy of the Lord will be our strength. When we do this we can truly know Jesus’ power and strength.

Matthew 11:28

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
I remember going to a camp retreat when I was a young adult. A huge wood cross stood at the front of the auditorium. The speaker had placed it there before the service. The message was on the power of the cross and what it means. I remember at the beginning of the service we were given a piece of paper and pencil. We were told to hold on to it we would need it at the end of the service. The end of the service came and the speaker encouraged us to write down anything that may be holding us back on that paper. One thing that was holding me was the past hurts and pains. There were things in my life that I did not feel I could let go of. My family was a mess at that time and it was holding me back. I had to learn to let my family go. I may not understand why or what was going on. I may never understand some things, but I needed to give it to God. I loved my family so much that it was hindering me from the joy I could have. The fighting and issues were destroying me. My past was another thing that was destroying me. People had abused me and hurt me in many ways. I was holding on to all these things and it was hindering me. I had been hurt by family, friends and church members.

The speaker then placed a hammer and some nails in front of the cross. He told us that God died on the cross so that we did not have to deal with this stuff. It was nailed to the cross when Jesus himself was nailed to the cross. He then called upon anyone who wanted to place their burdens and sins on the cross to come forward, and to nail them to the cross. I remember going up to that cross and nailing that paper to the cross. I also remember hearing the sound of that hammer as tears rolled down my face. I did not have to deal with that pain no more.

The end came and the speaker told us that it is easy to put those things on the cross. The bigger step was to leave them there. Too many times we hand things over to God only to walk away and drag them behind us. I made up my mind that day. I would not let those things hold me down anymore. I walked away, and I am so thankful that I was able to leave them there. That heavy weight on my shoulders I did not have to carry anymore. Jesus had taken all the bitterness and anger and replaced it for joy and love. I did not have to live as a victim anymore. I was a survivor and was going to live like one.

There is an old hymn that says "At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light, and the burden of my heart rolled away. It was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day."
This old hymn describes exactly what I felt that day. My burdens were rolled away and replaced with happiness and joy. I know that I could have never done this without the power of Jesus. He died on the cross many years ago so, I would never have to carry that pain and sorrow around with me again.
 I see many people from similar life styles that are still caring that baggage with them. I often say a silent prayer for them. I also thank God for healing me and for allowing me to leave that pain where it belonged on the cross. I had found victory.

 Through the cross he saves us and through the cross he will heal us. Victory only comes, when we stop trying to gain strength on our own. It comes when we lay our heavy baggage at the foot of the Cross. When we turn our lives over to God and are willing to let him take the reins. Only then can God take full control of our lives. He will then transform us into what he wants us to be.