Friday, February 21, 2020

He Does Not Sleep

   As a parent I have always protected and watched over my children. I remember one night when my kids where younger there was a storm coming through. I remember suggesting that we have a sleepover in our basement.  I just wanted to take extra precautions just in case. All night I lay listening to the winds blow and the thunder roll through. But it was my job as a parent to protect my family. Over the years there have been obstacles that the girls have gone through, where people have hurt them. It is automatically my responsibility to jump into action and protect them to make sure that no one hurts them again. Although this is a task that I know I am unable to do sometimes I will always be there in some way for them. When they where out with friends I would lay awake until I knew they were home safe.

   This reminds me of God's love for us. We may not be able to avoid the storm, however he is always there to protect us. He does not sleep but he continues to watch over us. He may not be able to stop people or situations from happening but he will always walk through the storm with us
Throughout Psalms 121 it reassures us that God is our guardian and our protector.
In verse 3 and 4 it tells us that he will not slumber. It goes on in verse 7 to say that 

"The Lord will protect you from all harm; he will protect your life."

No matter the storm or challenge we can always take comfort in knowing that God has it under control. He is always there. 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Fishers of men

Come, Follow me, Jesus said, “ and I will make you fishers of men. “ Mark 1:17

    I remember my girls first time out fishing. Sarah spent forever to catch her fish. Finally after much persistence, she finally hooked a good sized bass on her line. She was so excited. She bounced everywhere. She looked at me and said "Mommy I can't believe it. I caught my first fish. And it is a big one too."

This fish had been nibbling on her line all afternoon.. She had finally caught that fish. She was so excited. Until I turned to her and said. “Awesome stuff now we have to clean it.” Her little face dropped at the thought of doing this deadly task.After much thought she turned to me with eyes wide open and said "No Mommy. I don't have to clean them that is Daddy's job." She then turned around and handed the fish to Chris and said "Here Daddy, you clean them." She was so intent that her father was going to clean the fish for her. She had no reason to do it.

    This is like us as Christians. We are the ones out there setting examples and enticing the fish for God. It is our actions and our lives that God uses as the bate. As we set that example the unsaved start to see things through us. That is in the end what brings them to God. They want what we have. Soon they come to know God in a personally way. And then the deed of cleaning them comes. The best part of it is … We don't have to do the job of cleaning.. That is our heavenly father's job. We are there just to pray and to lift them up before God. We are there to encourage them and to continue to walk in faith. Faith that our father will tend to the rest. Sometimes it is hard for us to understand the difference between catching them and cleaning them. But we catch them and the rest is up to God. He will show them things and clean them in his time. It is our job to love them and pray for them and leave the rest up to our father who will clean them. Just like Sarah did when she caught her fish. It is Daddy's job. Here Daddy you clean them.

Lord help us to hand the fish over to you for cleaning when we catch them