I was sitting and looking back on my life and what God has done for me. As I looked back I noticed that I often find myself thanking God for “answered prayer,” when what I really mean is, “Thank You, God, for answering my prayers the way I want you to!"
As I look through the bible I can see that whenever someone prayed for something, God answered; however sometimes that answer was “no” or “not yet” rather than “sure, here you go, it's done.”
This has made me examine myself and my reasons for asking God in the first place.
Is God my 911? Is he my emergency contact? Is God my friend, my person? Or do I only go to him when I need something? Am I only coming to him for his gifts? or do I really want what he wants for me?
Am I seeking after what he wants for me or what I want for me? When God answers me do I put my trust in him and believe that he has it all under control and he knows what is best for me regardless of his answer.
My attitude matters more than I care to admit sometimes.
When I desire his will above my own and I can say "I trust you Lord." no matter what his answer is that is when I know that I am truly drawing deeper into a deeper relationship with him.
Psalms17:6 says
I repent of being shortsighted in my relationship with you. Draw me deeper and deeper into our friendship, teaching me to seek you and your will above all.
I want to seek God first. He knows what is best for me. He will direct me and take care of it all. Lord I thank you for the answered prayer but I also thank you for the unanswered prayers as well. Help me to pray with the right motive and attitude for you.