I remember as a little girl giving my mom little things that I had made. I never understood the pride she had. That was until she passed away and we had to clean out her house. She had an old vase that I had made and given to her. I remember how proud I was. Looking at it, I was thinking. "I am not sure what it is." I think it is a vase. Maybe it is a candy dish. I don't know, but it is sure is ugly, but she treasured that gift so much, because it was from me. I had taken the time to make it for her. It meant a lot to me and obviously it meant a lot to her also. I remember sitting and holding it after she passed away and crying to think that she loved me so much she had kept this gift. It was slanted and it was all banged up and it just was not very nice in any way. You could not really put flowers in it because it was very shallow. However, my mom saw it as the most beautiful treasure ever. She saw the beauty in it. I had done my very best to make it for her. When no one else could see the beauty she saw it was from the heart and she treasured that forever.
In many ways that is like God with us. He sees us as his children. We are trying to please him in many ways. Sometimes we make a mess of it. But he knows our hearts he knows we have done our best. That is all he asks of us. That we do our best. We may look back and think, man I really messed that one up. And God is sitting up in heaven, saying well done they good and faithful servant. Sometimes we may not do anything in fear because we are afraid to mess it up. But God only asks for our best. And when we put our faith and trust in him. It will be our very best. Without him we are nothing. Without him we would surely fail. God only asked for their very best. That is all God is asking of us. He wants our very best.
Lord, help up to offer you our very best. And help up to trust in you and to remember when no one sees the beauty in things. You do because we are your children and you love us.