Have you ever gone through a situation when you find yourself questioning God what did I do wrong? Why am I being punished? I don't get it.
I have recently been experiencing a lot of health issues. These issues are very serious issues and I have found myself in this exact situation.
Did I ever question God's existences? No. I just wanted to understand why.
As I lay in my hospital room alone and in solitude I found myself battling with so many thoughts. I was discussing my feelings with God and crying out to him. As I sat quietly and waited on him. I heard a still small voice say "My precious child I love you and your doing nothing wrong. If anything your doing it right and that is why you are under attack. I got this.
I was soon reminded of Mathew 4:1-4 where Jesus is in the Garden of Gathemane. He is alone and in solitude that is when Satan tries to attack him. Jesus fights back and soon reminds him of his future. How does he do this? He throws scripture at him. Reading the bible and mesmerizing verses is our best defence.
John 8:44 describes Satan as a murder, never holding the truth. He lies and he is the father of lies.
He will tell you anything he can to pull you down. The bible is our sword and when we throw those verses at him he realizes he can not win. God's Power is greater then his sceems.
If I have learned anything from this experience I have learned this to be true in my life.
I encourage you to read your bible and memorize his word. This will be your greatest weapon. You will defete Satan and his sceems.
"Lord Thank you for your word. I Thank you for love and for your protection. You are a good Father and nothing is too difficult for you.