Saturday, May 21, 2011


    I had just settled in for a nice quiet nights sleep last night. It had been a busy day and I was ready for my pillows. I kissed my husband goodnight and pulled the blankets up over me. My eye lids started to close and life was all good. "MOM…MOM WAKE UP. MY FRIEND JUST SENT ME A TEXT MESSAGE…..THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO END!!!!" I jumped out of bed to see what the ruckus was all about.
    Apparently there is a man who is the founder of the Family Radio in Oakland, California. He is an eighty- nine year old man named Harold Camping. He has studied the bible for years and has come up with this prediction. The prediction being that the world will end May 21st, 2011. He says that there will be an earthquake bigger then the one that Japan had. He also states that this will be just the beginning of the end. Events will take place over time and it will officially end October 21st, 2011. It had been broadcasted on the news and on billboards all over the United States. I had been to busy too even hear any part of this news.
    I quickly reassured my daughter that she had nothing to worry about. First of all if God came it would be a blessing for all of us that know him. To which she replied. "Yes it would mom, but not yet.. I am going to Camp Medeba on Wednesday." I thought to myself that is a normal request. I remember as a child my thoughts were. No God can’t come yet, I want to get married and have kids. Now I often think, "Yes it would be amazing to be in heaven but I want my kids married. I want to see my Grandchildren. The fact is…God will come again in his time.

"But about that day or hour no one knows,

not even the angels in heaven, not the Son, but only the Father.

Matthew 24: 36

    So no one knows when Christ will come except for God himself. So many times people figure they have studied the bible long enough and they have all the answers. Obviously they did not study it hard and long enough. This simple little verse says it all.
    Instead of studying on the actual date which no one knows would it not make sense to study the bible and get to know God more. To know what we need to do to be ready for his return when it finally does happen. I myself am looking forward to that day when I come face to face with God himself. That day will come in it’s time. Next time you hear a prediction like this, instead of panicking or worrying. Just sit back and take a look at your life. Use it as a reminder.. God will come again one day. If you are ready you have nothing to worry about. In the end the importance is not when but will you be ready?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


    Have you ever questioned if you needed to do more for God? I know I have many times. I want to do more. I want to be more like him. I go to church every Sunday. I go to prayer groups and I am a member of a very lively and amazing church group, with a goal of seeking and following after God. I am a leader of the local ladies coffee break for one of the local churches. I volunteer at the school and local food bank from time to time. I am the youth bowling coordinator for the local youth bowling league. I help out in the nursery at the church and from time to time I help with the church youth. When I was about 18. I use to help on the Sunday School bus. I would spend lots of time with the kids and we would sing songs and just have a great time on the ride to and from church every Sunday. When I got older, I taught Sunday School and I helped with youth. I worked at a couple of summer camps over the years too. I was on the go for God. However is that enough? When it came to school or work, was I so on fire for God. Did I tell others about him. If I did had I done enough to get the point across?

    I never realized the impact that I make on others until later on in my life. I really took a look at how important it is for us to do more a few months ago. We had a tragedy in our neighborhood. In this tragedy one of my neighbors had died. When I realized what had actually taken place. I remember sitting in my living room on the couch in shock first of all that this had happened. Secondly the question came through my mind. Did I do enough? Had I shared and shown her God’s love? Had I made it a point to let God shine through me? I did not see this woman much as our schedules seemed to collide with the other. But had I shown her in anyway the love of Jesus. Had I touched her when we spoke or when we did things? When the day comes that God comes again. Will I see her or will she say. I never knew. Will this ladies blood be on my hands for not sharing enough with her?
    Many times we hold ourselves back because we are afraid of pushing that person away. We are afraid of what it will make us look like.
Mark 8:38

"If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the son of man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels."

    Jesus has very harsh words about those that are ashamed of him. He tells us that when God comes again, God will be ashamed of anyone who is ashamed of him. Having faith in God is not something to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It is something we should be proud about. We should proudly embrace the fact that we know him. Do you remember when you were first saved? I don’t know about you but I wanted everyone to know about God. I remember a few people arguing with me. I have learned over the years that it is not always that person you are fighting. I have learned that when the spirit leads me to talk to that person. It is important because it may the last chance they have to hear it. I encourage you to be sensitive to the spirit and allow God to lead you. He will give you the words to say. He knows what that person needs to hear or see.
    I wake up every morning with a prayer of thanks giving. I also ask God to use me every day. To open my eyes and my heart that I will be doing all that I can for him. I encourage you to do the same. I know it is not always easy to approach some people. I do know that God is with us and he will use us and he will open doors if we are willing.