Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Beauty Amongst The Weeds

I love to take hikes with my family. What better way for a family to bond then in the beauty of nature. It is peaceful. There are no interruptions. It creates amazing memories. I am also a lover of photography. It gives me a chance to get some amazing shots. A few weeks ago my family and I were out walking along the trails along the river. I saw some pretty amazing pieces of God’s artwork. I was reminded why I have always said one of my favorite artists is God. Every day he provides amazing blessings and sometimes we tend to take them for granted. Sometimes we are blinded by the negative things and not see the inner beauty of things. I walked along and took many pictures but the most beautiful were the wildflowers. Most people would refer them to the weeds. I never thought anything just that they were as beautiful as I looked through the eye of the lenses to capture the amazing beauty I could see around me. When I came home and downloaded the pictures. I had taken a picture of some golden rod beside the water. When I took a look at the picture, I thought wow the water and the vibrant yellow. What a sight. Many people would look at golden rod as a simple common weed. I saw something more that day. I saw the beauty of it. I also saw something else as I downloaded and edited the shot. I saw many little insects on the weeds. I never noticed these insects that were feeding off this plant. There was a moth, a bee as well as a couple of other insects. It was not just a weed it had so much value and good in it. I was soon reminded how many times people come into our lives. Many times people do not see any good they are nothing more than a weed. Maybe they are rough around the edges. Maybe you don’t like the way they speak or the way they act. Many times we react on what we see without really looking at that person. God uses all of us and our nature in different ways. It takes many people and many personalities to reach a world that is hurting. If we could only see them, through God’s eyes. So many times we turn people away because they don’t believe the same thing. Maybe they don’t act as we want them too. Maybe they are just not what you see as someone that God can use. It is funny how we look at people through our eyes and not God’s eyes. Funny how we tend to want to take things in our own hands and correct that person. We run right over never thinking on how our actions are reflecting on that person. All we see is that weed. We need to look through God’s eyes. If we did we would see a person who is the most caring person a vessel that is open and willing to be filled by God. A person that can reach so many lives. A person who not only can reach many but feed many. A person who is not as grumpy or miserable as you think. Maybe they are going through a situation that if you took the time you would see why they react that way to things. God uses the weeds because they are open. You may not always see the beauty in the weed but God does and he wants to bless you by bringing these weeds into your life. We need to ask God to allow us to see those weeds through his eyes. When we ask he will answer and we will be amazed at the beauty that God sees. Just like I did that day. The weed was no longer just a yellow weed but a beautiful creation of God that God uses every day. I encourage you to ask God to see people through his eyes. What does he see? I warn you however that when you do it will change your life.

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