Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Give Me A Heart Like You

I was sitting at the computer checking in on a few things. I saw a saying that said “What a beautiful place it would be if people had hearts like Gods.”

Now for those who are not aware of this. I am partially dyslexic. The sentence I was reading was not what I thought. It read “What a beautiful place it would be if people had hearts like dogs.”I had a good chuckle once I realized what it really said. Then I thought about what I thought I read originally. What a beautiful place it would be if we had a heart like God’s. Could you imagine the difference it would be if we all had hearts of God. I took a look at God’s heart and what that meant.

God’s Heart sees people for who they are. He looks at their hearts. He does not judge them on the outward appearance. God looks at the inward. He loves unconditionally. He does not compare us for what we have or do not have. He does not compare us over who has committed what sin. He never compares us to others around us. He loves us for who we are. He loves us because he looks at the inside and he sees great things. He loves us so much. He loves us unconditionally.

 What does it mean to love unconditionally? The definition in the dictionary for unconditional says, “not limited in any way: complete and absolute.”

 I never really understood this meaning of love until I had my kids. I have always told my girls that no matter what they do or say, I will always love them. I promise no matter what I will always be there for them. They may hurt me and I may not always agree with their choices, however I promise to love them unconditionally. That is my job as their mother.

 If you looked back at the last 24 hours of your life. Would you see God’s heart? Would you see people for who they are? Would people see a change in your life? Would your family see something new? What about your co-workers? Would they sense a difference in you? What about people who are unemployed, or do not have the fortune that you and others have? Would you treat them differently? Would your friends and those who know you detect more joy? What about your enemies? Would you treat them with more mercy? What would God’s heart make you feel? Would it be any different than your own heart? What other differences would you feel? Maybe it would be less stressful; it could even affect your mood swings, your temper even your sleepless nights. Maybe you would see the sunset and God’s creation in a different light. Maybe you would see even death differently.

 What about your schedule and the business of your life. If God was to take over your heart, would anything change?

 The bible tells us in Philippians 2:5 that we are to have the same mindset as God with others. God loves us as we are but he does not want us to be the way we are. He wants us to be more like Jesus. He wants us to love with his heart. I am making a commitment to God today to have a heart like him. My prayer is that God will make me more like him. I encourage you to look at your life and to do the same.  Can you imagine what a beautiful place this would be if we all had a heart like God?

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