Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How will you stand?

    My oldest came to me today very upset. She had just had a disagreement with the boy that lives in our complex. Her and a friend had just been sharing about their churches and why they loved it so much.

    This boy had overheard them and he turned to them and said “So tell me.... Do you believe in God?” Yes we do they had said. He then turned to them and said you guys are crazy. We evolved from money's. At that point both little girls started to tell him he was indeed the crazy one. He has it all wrong. He soon answered back yea.. well if your God exists why is there sickness and death in this world. Why did your God create all this evil. See he don't exist. My daughter spent several minutes after this fact trying to prove her point and aimlessly she had failed. The boy still fought her no matter what she said. Finally she turned to him and said ok we odiously have our own beliefs. And that is what makes this world go around. So lets look at the facts. If you are right and God does not exist. What have you got to gain? The boy said well nothing really.. Then she said ok. Now if you are wrong what do you have to loose? The boy sat there not able to answer her. She said to him you have everything to loose. For the wages of sin in death. And we will all be judged one day and the ones that do not believe will be thrown into Hell. So in the end who will loose you or me. And she walked away.

    We had a talk and I explained that God gives us our own mind to believe and to think as we wish. However it is sin that makes this world evil and it is through sin that we have sickness and death. But the good news is we can live on when we know Jesus as our Savior. He died to spare us having to pay the price. I also told her that she had planted that seed. I also told her that I was very proud of her as she stood her ground.

    How many times do we as adults stand our ground. When we are out in public do we still stand for God? Or is a Sunday ritual? Do we act the same way around the unbelievers as we do the believers? If you where put on a trial and it was for Jesus.

The bible says “ If anyone is ashamed of me and my word in this adulterous and sinful generation, The son of man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his father's glory with the holy angels.” ( Mark 8:38)

How will you stand?

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