Friday, April 29, 2011


I got up a little early this morning to watch the royal wedding. I was so amazed by the parties and the events that are all geared around the royal wedding. I watched as people were going into the church. The streets were filled with people just wanting to get a look at Kate’s dress. The event was full of joy and excitement. People were screaming and yelling with joy as the Queen and many other royal family members drove by. They had all taken time out from their busy schedules to be at this event. There were also many weeks of preparations put into this event. Weeks of rehearsals and preparing to make sure that William and Kate where ready for this great event. Later people would crowd into the Buckingham Palace circle just to see that first kiss. They did not want to miss any part of this wedding. They all took the time to be there for them and to share the joy with this royal family. A reporter had also said that apparently the local pubs would be having special things going on such as free beer and food. They had also commented on how the pubs went into bankruptcy about 30 years ago when Prince Charles and Lady Diana were married. After the royal couple had shared the kiss they proceeded back into the palace to have a wedding feast and such celebrations. I was so happy for this couple to be able to start a life together. Although the whole time I could not get out of my mind another wedding celebration and wedding feast that the bible talks about.

Revelations 19:7
Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.

We are his bride and we need to be ready. Kate took many weeks to prepare and make herself ready for William. We need to do the same when it comes to God. He wants us to be ready. We do not know the time nor the hour of when he comes. We need to prepare ourselves to be ready. We need to praise and worship him. We need to spend time with him in prayer and reading his word. We need to give him everything and learn to lean on him. We need to die to ourselves and give our lives over to him. When he comes again we will be invited to that great wedding feast. Will we be ready?

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