That night I lay in bed and her words kept coming to me. "You can’t be on both sides. It started to get me thinking. As Christians how many times in life do we find ourselves caught between two teams. I thought of many individuals that I have met, who like to play both sides. They say they love God and are followers of Jesus, However they still dabble in many things that the world has to offer them. We walk a fine line up and down the fence routing on the other team. I know I have found myself in these situations. Yes we go to church Sunday and do the right things but we find ourselves talking about others. We find ourselves putting that certain person down, when we should be lifting them up. We point fingers instead of praying for that person. We are quick to judge or quick to condemn. We do things that we know are not expectable in God’s eyes but somehow we find it expectable in our eyes. When we go to our work places and around our friends are we excited to share what God has done for us, or do we hide what team we are routing for. Do we walk the walk or just talk the talk. Are we open to what God wants us to do for him?
What team are we really on? When you take the time to look at your life where do you really stand?
Joshua 24:15 says "But if you refuse to serve the Lord,
then chose today whom you will serve."
God wants us to chose his team. He wants us to have a life that is full of his many blessings. He does not want us to perish. He loves us and is so crazy about us. In my daughters words.. "You can’t be on both sides you have to chose one." What team do you chose?
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