Have you ever taken a specific request to God and the answer seems to be no. Maybe that answer is wait? Have you ever seen a child go to a parent and the parent tells them to wait. It is a frustrating situation. They want it now. They do not want it 10 minutes from now or even months from now. It is needed now. Sometimes we take our requests to our heavenly father only to get the response wait. It can get to be very frustrating and discouraging.
I know I have recently been going through a situation that my family has been praying for quite some time about. Every door we see an opening and think yes this is the door. God soon seems to close it as fast as it opened. It has been a long journey for us. I think in every situation it is hard when the reply is…wait. I don’t know about you but I am not a waiter. I want it all done at this very moment. When I go to my kids or someone and ask them to do something. I tend to ask once and if it is not done in the first five minutes. I tend to get frustrated and then I just go and do it myself. I do not like waiting for anything.
So when God answers with wait it is one of the hardest things for me to do. About a week ago I was feeling so discouraged and down. I spoke with a friend of mine and was telling her that I just felt like giving up. Things were never going to work for me. When I finished talking to her I sat and thought about what I had said. I started remembering things that over the years I had been praying for. Some were answered right away. Some were answered without me even realizing they had been. Most prayers that I waited on and continued being faithful. They were answered one by one. Sometimes the answers were not what I thought it should be at that time. However they were all answered in his time. Then I looked into the bible. Many times gods answer was wait. Noah, Moses, Jonah, Those prayers that were not answered the exact way I wanted in time I could see why. God wants the very best for us. The bible tells us there is a season for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1). God knows the right time and season for our prayers. Don’t be discouraged because God is in control.
God also has a purpose for each and every one of us. He knows the right time and the plans he has for us. Hebrews 12:2 says: Let us fix out eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. All we have to do is focus on him with faith believing. The bible also tells us in Romans 8: 28 that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord. All we need to do is stay focused on him and he will do the rest. So next time you ask and God’s answer is…Wait He knows your best interest. Trust in him and he will bring the answers to you.
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