Happily Ever After
What are your thoughts on Happily Ever After?
As a young girl I often thought about happily ever after. You know the kind of love that you read about. The love where the knight in shining armour comes along on his white horse and swoops up his princess and they all live happily ever after.
When you think of Happily Ever After maybe you think of Cinderella & Prince Charming? Beauty & The Beast? Romeo & Juliet? How about Adam & Eve?
Wait!! Adam & Eve??? Yes you read that correctly. Adam & Eve were the first couple that were ever made for each other by God. Even though they made one of the biggest known mistakes. They still managed to create quite the life together.
I don't know about you but I have never turned a pumpkin into a carriage and my husband has never rode in on a white horse to save me from the evil villains in life. He has never slayed a vicious dragon on my behalf. We don't have the white pickett fence. Instead our lives are quite different. We don't spend every waking moment together. We seldom have alone time. He snores. I snore. We bicker and argue at times. He watches too much wrestling. I watch too many love stories. He is too cold. I am too hot. He steals the blankets. I don't get breakfast in bed and flowers all the time. We struggle with things like finances and busy schedules.
We are far from perfect and just like Adam & Eve we make mistakes, we love each other perfectly. God created our marriage in his perfect image in his perfect way.
1 John 4:12 says "that if we love one another , God remains in us and his love is made complete in us."
Too many times we can find ourselves stressing over living upto a fairytale.
Your love story no matter how simple or complexed it may be. It has already been written, illustrated and signed by the author.
Happily ever after don't always come with a white horse. It does not come with a fairy godmother or ballroom dancing. It comes from God and when he is in control of your relationship nothing will stand between you.
1 John 4:19 says we love because he loved us first.
God did not love us so he could get something in return but to give in return.
This love is the same love that brings me my happily Ever After. With all the bumps and curves. All the imperfections. That is the true meaning of love. When you love someone with every spot & every wrinkle.
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